He felt as if tossed about in tumultuous waves, rising and falling ceaselessly until reaching climax, releasing it all into his hand. The heated essence slid down with water; Mo Xiaobai's body stiffened abruptly, biting down on his lower lip to suppress the urge to moan. It was so intense, leaving him blank-minded as fiery heat swirled in his eyes before stopping and releasing, finally closing them.,The strength in his muscles slowly dissipated, making his entire body limp. He leaned against the wall, allowing the shower to pummel his body endlessly. His physique was beautiful, with healthy muscle definition that was elegant and deadly seductive. Mo Xiaobai sat by the wall, eyes closed as he relished the lingering aftereffects, wondering why he couldn't resist any longer.,They played in the game day and night, yet it was rare to see Moyaoyao come out for even a round; he was restrained and composed.。