After a moment, Mei Qingyun shifted her gaze to the two noblewomen a few steps away. She thought they looked familiar, but she hadn't seen them in years and couldn't recall who they were. However, listening to their conversation, one of them seemed to have a grudge against her, though she had no recollection of ever meeting this person or how such a grudge had formed.,Having said that, Wei Heng placed the divorce letter down and left without looking back.,Her ex-husband was no good, and everyone would also feel that she must have had a hard time in the Wei family for so many years without having children. She could gain sympathy, and some people would comfort her, feeling fortunate for her that she didn't have to suffer with Wei Heng. Before Wei Heng was escorted back to the capital, she just needed to play the role of a heartbroken widow after being abandoned well.。